A grass haired friend

A grass haired friend

You will need:

  • An old pair of stockings
  • An empty yoghurt tub
  • 1-1 1/2 cup of soil
  • 1-2 teaspoons of grass seed
  • Scissors
  • Paint and paint brush to decorate
  • Water


  1. cut the stockings, leaving about 30cm above the foot of each leg (for just one grass haired friend you only need one sticking foot).
  2. Place the grass seed in the bottom of the stocking foot.
  3. Place the soil over the seeds.
  4. Tie a knot in the stocking at the end of the soil.
  5. Fill the yoghurt tub with water.
  6. Place the stocking onto the yoghurt tub, cutting the stocking tail so it just reaches into the water.
  7. Paint a face onto the stocking then wait for the grass hair to grow.
  8. Remember to keep topping up the water, and once the grass hair is long enough, enjoy cutting and styling the hair.
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